Sanjukta Dasgupta
I take great pleasure in presenting to our IPPL members and other readers the second issue of Poetry at the Heart of the Nation, the annual e-journal of the Intercultural Poetry & Performance Library (IPPL), Kolkata, on this the first day of January 2020. The second issue of our IPPL journal bears out the significant fact that the statement ‘where there’s a will there’s a way’, is not a cliché.
In the course of a little over a year, the IPPL journal committee had to be reconstituted and the new team then took over the responsibility with zest and zeal despite many odds. The success of any project lies not in its initiation but in its sustainability. The editing, copy editing and compiling by committed members of the Journal Subcommittee have made this issue possible. Readers will notice evidence of remarkable creative talent, intelligent opinions and critically informed points of view represented in the submissions included in this issue.
Let poets, thinkers and creative writers of the world unite so that the environment of gloom that seems to have pervaded us now can be transformed into an environment of inclusive understanding and unalloyed happiness.
Wishing everyone a very Happy and Productive 2020.