The Homeless Guy

The homeless guy
In a heartless world
Sat helplessly, leaning his back
Against the traffic light post
The homeless guy sat a few steps away
From the busy church
Where well-heeled footfalls resound
Through the days and nights

Was he sick, drunk, a drug addict
Was he jobless, did he not have a home, a family
He looked neither young nor very old
Almost like a rusted brown autumn leaf
Before it falls to the ground
Immobile, resigned, he sat like a dark boulder
In a worn, oversized dark thrift-store jacket
Who knows what his thoughts were
A few carefully counted coins, a meagre donation
Tossed sometimes into his eager paper cup
A careless gesture of carefree charity

Alas, even the pious priest did not open the church door
And shelter the homeless guy in the secure House of God

April 2, 2018, Krakow

<strong>Sanjukta Dasgupta</strong>
Sanjukta Dasgupta

Sanjukta Dasgupta, a leading Indian academic and poet, is recipient of the Fulbright postdoctoral fellowship and Fulbright Scholar in Residence grant, among others. She was also the Chairperson of the Commonwealth Writers Prize jury panel (2003-2005). She is the President of Intercultural Poetry and Performance Library, Kolkata.