Anindita Bose

Dream Children

They fly in that blue sky when nobody sees
them, they hear different words which are
from a world where love flows from heart
to heart
and tiny stars float across the night sky in
search for a lost milky way.
They are harbingers of a new world where
no dreams are abandoned, but this world
needs to learn a language that existed in
the ancient times and forgotten now since
people no longer have time…
These are not babies but souls of wisdom
itself, sailing through time to spread a golden
light in the world that has accepted the bitter
darkness of loneliness and hopelessness
not realising that miracles exist in hearts.

A Moment

Alone I waited
outside my home
a locked door and
floating dreams

a garden hidden in
the night of sojourn
amidst lightning and

a dim light at the
porch and I flickered

in hope of a happy
space, I sat on the
threshold passing to
and fro between two
worlds of togetherness
and forlorn
in such a moment of
trances and wishes
my companion walked
in a melodious gait
I sighed

She meowed

I smiled

She purred
and the world stopped
in that moment of

Anindita Bose

Anindita Bose is an academician and poet.  She is a poet and has three books of poems. She is co-founder of Rhythm Divine Poets and editor of EKL Review, a translator and the Festival Manager of Chair Poetry Evenings, Kolkata’s International Poetry Festival. She has made short films based on her own story scripts, and her poetry film on poet Sonnet Mondal was selected in Glass House Festival 2018. She has edited five books of poetry and two novels. Her much acclaimed book of short stories – ‘words breathe in silence’ has been published by Ukiyoto Publishing.