Saheli Mitra

I Burn

Yes, I burn, I burn like the red hot tungsten bulb
that glowed in your dingy dark corner churning acid.
Tongues shouting mindless blows,
blazing my cells to break free from the shackles of shame. 
But I always wished to burn like your sun
which leaps in a frenzied halo,
every time clouds churn their breath
to shroud its glory.
I wished to burn in those crammed prisons
I had seen on colonial pages,

where martyrs died a thousand deaths.
They turn my hormones on
to fight your acids that 
Need to be neutralised.
I don’t mind burning at stake
like Joan did,
for freedom that lay past
your dingy cell.

But I hate to burn in the midst of 
hatred and violence,
My flames die down to a streak 
when your acid tongues
lash selfish swords,
Just to be named and famed.
My Pitutary stands alert,
To put out my flame and hush it 
Behind your clouds where you hid
in fear of an acid rain.

Saheli Mitra

Saheli Mitra is a social entrepreneur, journalist, author and poet, who runs her own content and creative company, Tales Talks & Walks (TTW). With an experience of 25 years as a journalist with a leading English daily of India, she has more than 200 published articles to her credit. Author of internationally launched romantic thriller Lost Words (July 2014), she is co-author of several short story collections and poetry anthologies.