Madhu Sriwastav


I flow along the banks of life
coursing rocky terrains
that give the friction of challenges 
to propel forward 
with greater force 
builds strength
as one flexes muscles 
of endurance
expands thresholds of pain!


life goes on unhindered 
only a little bird that lost its home
when fire from the skies 
hit the tree its home
is sad...
flying and pecking alone
its chirp has lost its joy
as the flames consumed its mom...
sun shines warmth 
sky emanates blue, 
wind blows cool 
but for the orphaned bird...
a void fills all things...
her world has changed 
it’s  not the same anymore!

Madhu Sriwastav

Madhu Sriwastav is an academic, creative writer, reviewer and translator. Her poems have been published in national and international journals and magazines, both print and online. Her debut book of poems Trips Climbs Circles has received rave reviews. She received the Jury award for her poem in the Panorama Literature festival 2022. She is a member of the Executive Committee of IPPL Kolkata. Her latest publication is an English translation of Chitra Mudgal’s award winning novel Post Box No. 203 Nala Sopara by Sahitya Akademi.