Mrittika Das

Imagining Varanasi

Dear Varanasi, Kashi, Avimukta, Anandavana, Rudravasa I don’t know how to name you.  
I don’t know which name is dear to you.  
I have never been to you. 
But I have endless questions to ask you. 
If you are Avimukta- will you let me live in your abode? 
If you are Kashi- will you light the clay lamp of my  heart, half-damp and doused in the storm of life? 
If you are Varanasi- will you throw light to the  
fertile lands of the world which grow the crops  of love- long lost and rotten? 
If you are Anandavana- will you let the clouds burst  into droplets of hope over the starving leaves of desire? 
Will you give me the bliss of Moksha? 
If you are Avimukta- will you give me the divine strength  to not let lose myself to anger and to the disgrace where  Kalyug conspires me to destroy? 
If you are Rudravasa- will you let me arrive to see the eternal? 
Will you assimilate my sorrow in the supreme and  transform it into un-materialistic joys? 
Will you let me cremate all my darkness in your  Mahashamshana- so it could never reincarnate to reach me? 
If yes, then let me embark to quest my soul in order to  unite to its lover- divinity. 
There are more questions I want to ask you and  I will embark to know you  
I will embark to reach knowledge  
I will embark to reach you  

A Sketch

You are a sketch,  
drawn and hidden away  
inside a book  
in the shelf  
no one reads,  
moulded in dust 
I open it in perplexity,  
when windows and  
doors are closed 
all deep asleep but  
I morbid awake 
as I turn the leaves,  
your face appears  
like a sudden pearl  
inside an oyster;  
waves rise  
as huge as mountains  
in your eyes 
which drenches me. 
Your voice reaches me,  
with your lips stiff 
your bearded face  
makes me remember someone, 
unknown with his  
unacceptable nonexistence. 
You are a sketch,  
drawn and hidden away,  inside a book, in me 
deep, forever,  
which none can read. 

Mrittika Das

Mrittika Das is an aspiring poet, pursuing her higher studies.