Nabanita Sengupta

A Ghazal

When the songs of a scorching sun spells doom
April scent wafts through my Jasmine blooms
Each day, a home torn, a loneliness born,
in lost embraces scented Jasmine blooms
Fire of the month, fire in arms conflate, 
a morsel to eat, a desire for home blooms
a love born of winter, does it last long? 
Songs of parting weeps in the Jasmine blooms
Cruel heart, truant desires, of love or a home
Muted ringtones, long wait for words on screen to bloom
Who is forever meant to be together? 
Togetherness, a story,  short lived as April blooms
April wars, April tears, a month of hope and fears, 
homes, now walls, in debris, a sapling blooms
You and I and a sun that flashes a scornful laugh
Hope lives on, in my April garden, scented Jasmine blooms.

Nabanita Sengupta

Nabanita Sengupta is an academic, creative writer and translator with multiple publications to her credit. Her latest anthology of poetry is In-between Selves.She has so-edited two volumes of critical essays – Female Narratives of Protest in South Asia and Understanding Women’s Experiences of Displacement.  She teaches in an undergraduate college in Kolkata and is a member of the executive council of the Intercultural Poetry and Performance Library.