Rudrajit Paul

Highway to Nowhere

We travelled along the rainy highway--------
Dim lights fleeting by;
It was an oppressive blue darkness
Underneath a menacing grey sky.
A chilly wet wind blew all along
Coconut leaves engaged in endless strife
Ancient trees bent by the ruthless downpour
Fearing for their precious life.
Nestlings cried pitifully in the storm
From trees lying uprooted and dead
A lone lamppost stood silent witness
As old paths were blocked and new ones made. 
Not another soul near of far,
The rickety car skidding over slippery stone
Huts and village teashops flew by
As did turrets of temples unknown.
There was perhaps someone at the temple
A lone priest with the evening lamp?
Or perhaps the temple was giving shelter
To some hapless rain-drenched tramp.
Our headlights cut through the deluge with temerity
Raindrops sparkling on the window pane
We travelled from one darkness to another
Fleeting like someone aimless, insane.
There was a momentary flash of lightning,
The landscape bathed in an eerie blue
But then, the darkness jumped back like a vampire
Erasing the world from our view.
Was there a destination to reach, or 
Was it just a headless journey to hell?
There was no one to ask or follow
If only the stormy winds could tell. 
Our watches had stopped ticking
Our smartphones without tower,
We were play balls in the hands of monsoon fury
Mere rattle in the hands of a higher power. 

Dr. Rudrajit Paul

Dr. Rudrajit Paul is a consultant physician in Kolkata with a passion for creative writing. He has published poems and short stories in Bengali and English in many magazines.