Priyanka Adhikary

Route to my Home

Gallons of rose syrup gleaming in the river
God appeared as a vision of eternity
I collapsed in agony of bliss
fostered by the melancholy of my dreams
Beauty of fuchsia appeared on the snow ground
It looked like the ravishing melody of heaven
Atmosphere changed and orchestrated in rhythm of violin
Music was visionary in resemblance to divinity
The calm of rain manifested suddenly
The universe opened its revelations of serendipity
The violet of roses and the yellow of sunflower
spoke to each other in tune
of a tune unknown to all
I forgot who was I
for it had no meaning
Sacred scarlet duped into my ears
There was no magic allowed on the snow ground
In its heavenly orders, I only believed in my lord
Dozens of attributions calmed by spirit
I found myself everywhere calling out God’s name
He was captivated in angelic blues
of a purple robe wrapped in white
Peace illumined on the trees of palm
Victory ruled my spirit of courage
The river flowed across the valley of rainbow
Chirps of sparrow sounded like wobbles of laughter
Destiny metamorphosed into stripped ribbons of happiness
Discipline customized into a liberated lifestyle
Friends joined in for tea of hope
There was everyone but no one
I could still feel God drenched in my love
He made his entry into my soul temple
This body vaporized into dust where it came from
At last, I was home
Home made with pieces of calm, eternity & salvation
There were no bricks of past
I was charged with new energy at the ether
Home found its member
I entered the home of the godly kingdom.

Priyanka Adhikary

Priyanka Adhikary is an early childhood & primary teacher, poet, a creative writer and a storyteller from Kolkata, India. Priyanka loves giving service to children from the core of her heart. She is also a yogi and engages herself in self-realization mindful methods for growth, development & harmony & equally motivates children & adults to practice the same. She is a learner of life, lover of simplicity, in-depth quality education and arts.